
  • What can I expect from my first "visit'? 

    预约当天早上,您将收到一封电子邮件,其中包含完成您的入学文件的链接, that paperwork needs to be completed before your scheduled appointment. If your appointment is scheduled virtually, you will receive another email with a link to connect for your telehealth appointment. 在你约定的时间, 你将与学生咨询中心的辅导员见面,他将了解你目前的需求, 收集关于你的简短历史, and collaborate with you to develop a plan that will outline the next steps.

  • What types of issues do students come to the 学生心理咨询 Center to discuss?

    Students come to the 学生心理咨询 Center for a variety of reasons. These range from stress management, 组织技能, and relationship problems to significant symptoms of mental disorders, most commonly depression and anxiety. 有些学生可能只在出现问题或症状时来一次,而另一些学生可能在他们的学校生活中经常来,以控制持续压力源的复发症状. We are typically able to see students biweekly (once every 2 weeks). More regular sessions may be recommended based on your therapist's clinical judgment.

  • I am worried about a student, what can I do? 


    If the situation is not life-threatening, 支持和鼓励学生联系学生咨询中心通常是最好的第一步. 出于对学生隐私和独立性的尊重,学生咨询中心不会主动联系那些不主动澳门赌城官方网站的学生.

  • How are your 服务 being provided?

    Our 服务 are being provided through telehealth. This means that your appointment will occur via phone, Microsoft TEAMS, or Vidyo. We are committed to keeping you and the FSU community safe through this pandemic.

  • 什么是远程治疗?

    远程治疗是在不在同一物理位置的咨询师和客户之间使用交互式技术(音频和视频)提供保健服务. Similar to Facetime or Skype but using a more secure, HIPAA-compliant platform.

  • How will I be contacted regarding my appointment?

    The primary form of contact will be by phone and at times by email. 如果您选择注册,您将收到提醒电子邮件和短信提醒, a few days prior to your appointment. On the morning of your appointment, 您将收到一封电子邮件,其中包含完成您的预约文书工作的链接,以及一封后续电子邮件,其中包含您的远程医疗预约的链接.

  • What is required for my appointment?

    Students should identify a private distraction-free space for their appointments. Some may decide to use headphones for additional privacy. 它要求你给你的会议你的全部注意力和避免多任务在你的会议期间. 使用Microsoft TEAMS或Vidyo的会话可以在计算机或移动设备上访问.

  • How can I find privacy for my online appointment?

    Teletherapy can sometimes be interrupted here are some tips on finding a quiet space:

    • Ask the ones you're with for some private space.
    • 创建一些白噪音. Download a free sound machine app on your smartphone to play noises. 把你的手机放在门附近会使你周围的人听不到你说话的声音.
    • Find a quiet spot in your yard or head to a local park, 远离他人, where you can focus on your session.
    • 如果你有车的话, make sure your car is parked and log onto your session via smartphone.
    • If you do not have a private space, 请告知澳门十大赌城官方网站您的日程安排,澳门十大赌城官方网站将与您一起在校园内确定您的会议空间.

    As a reminder, be sure you are always using a privately protected WIFI.

  • Will the 学生心理咨询 Center write a letter on my behalf?

    如果你的辅导员认为合适,你的学生咨询中心的辅导员可能会代表你提供一封信. 如果你的辅导员同意以你的名义写一封信,那么在这封信被扰乱之前,你必须获得信息的释放. 如果你没有从学生咨询中心接受服务,澳门十大赌城官方网站建议你联系你的治疗师, 初级保健医生, 或者其他资源. 请注意 学生心理咨询 Center does not write letters of any kind regarding animals (例如:服务或情感).